
Messages From Chairman's Desk

Utkal International School a name that needs no introduction in the field of quality education has taken a giant leap towards excellence in even the remotest part of the country.
Utkal International School is a collective effort of a few visionaries to offer better education facility in parts of the country where development needs a boost.
Quality education goes way beyond theoretical knowledge with emphasis on values & skills that help young mind evolve into better individuals & this is our ultimate objective.
As for Education and knowledge , it can not be expressed in words or by self introduction, it Will be judged by mere observation by others. Mathematics is my special subject but I have proficiency in each and every subject due to my experience.
Messages From Principal's Desk

It gives us immense pleasure & sense of pride to be a part of the noble mission of imparting quality education to children from all sections of society without discrimination of any kind.
Utkal International School a name that needs no introduction in the field of quality education has taken a giant leap towards excellence in even the remotest part of the country.
Utkal International School is a collective effort of a few visionaries to offer better education facility in parts of the country where development needs a boost.
Quality education goes way beyond theoretical knowledge with emphasis on values & skills that help young mind evolve into better individuals & this is our ultimate objective.
The school management promises to give quality education to our kids which shall be at par with the best co-ed schools in India . A bond where the young minds will be managed be experts from different fields.with wishes & commitment to uphold the belief of all who have decided to bank their faith in us.I extend my best wishes to all those working towards making quality education all pervasive for a better tomorrow. Let’s walk with hand in hand & take our motherland to a great height.
M.Sc(IT), B.Ed
Utkal International School
- 10 years of Teaching Experience
- 8 years of Administrative Experience
Right Platform For Overall Growth of Your Children
Utkal International School serves students in grades K-6. Our specialized curriculum, combined with small classes and multi-sensory teaching techniques, guides students towards academic and life-long success.
At a glance, Utkal International School looks a lot like other schools, and some traditional approaches to learning and assessment are an important part of the daily routine. In the Lower School, material is mastered through recitation, practice, and activity-based, hands-on learning. At the same time, however, through very non-traditional, “metacognitive” approaches, students are taught to understand and appreciate how they learn, assemble, and employ the tools they need to bridge gaps between their potential and their skills.
- Mastery in all academic areas
- Problem-solving and critical thinking proficiency
- Creativity and healthy self-expression
- Self-esteem, contentment and pride in oneself
- Friendship/social skills and respect for others
Moderen Gadgets & Labs
It Facilitated by the experienced,passionate team at Modern Learners,our labs are small in number by design,but they are big on practical strategies for today most important educational opportunities and challenges
Sports Facilities
At The Heritage, sports and games curriculum is an integral and compulsory part of the education process. Sports help to build character and teach the importance of discipline in life
Bag less & Smart Class Rooms
Smart classes are conducted by a teacher using a viewing screen that is attached to the projector. Students will assimilate the audio-visual information that is projected on the screen and learn about the topic
Spoken English Campus
Improving students’ speaking skills. Making students speak more English in the classroom is not only a matter of “forcing” them to speak. This demands good preparation of proper material and implementation
Quality Care
It is important that their children are enrolled in the highest quality care possible. Children who have spent time in high quality child care environments have lasting benefits from the experience
Day Boarding Facilities
Sending children to boarding schools is to develop wider horizons than their family can provide. A boarding school attended by a family for generations may define the culture parents aspire to for their children
Steps done with heart, soul, mind & strength
Admission Process
Compliance Video
Building a better world one student one custom plan