Message From Founder

Utkal International School is situated Banipada, Cuttack . We frequently  travel throughout the advanced countries around the world, gave us a deep insight as to what a school should offer a child in order to keep up with the changing environment in the field of education .

This is precisely the very reason for selecting this place some Km away from the Cuttack town, where children enjoy fresh and pollution free atmosphere, and full concentration on studies could be imparted without diverting attention into city distractions. It’s the blood in Our veins, a close-knit heart throb with is child to give them a feeling of ‘a home away from home’.

I am in constant vigil for the latest information technology developments in the world and maximum efforts are made to implement these in consultation with our educational advisors. Without moral character, vision and ethical discipline a child can became a burden to society even after acquiring the highest qualifications. UTKAL is fully conscious of the cultural settings of the pupil and retains the heritage and identification of their roots, while emphasizing the advanced skills of education. Above all the LOVE of God being the governing principle of our institution, we commit each child in the hands of God protection and to mould them as prestigious treasure’s of tomorrow,s India.